Soil Advocates Inc. is a Canadian corporation founded with enthusiasm for plant and soil interactions and is a result of the growing need for supportive scientific services in many horticultural and related trades.

Our primary goals include providing clients with the latest in plant and soil sciences and connections to exciting environmental technologies.  The significance and understanding of soil environments as dynamic buffers to increasing climate change and urban densifications, drive Soil Advocates Inc. daily.

Our 3 core service areas, Research, Education & Training and, EcoServices, provide clients with opportunity to obtain expertise in scientific communication, pilot projects, feasibility plans, cost/benefit analyses and creative problem solving strategies.  Inspiration from our decades of experiences in research, teaching and applied technology in the private sector has reinforced our belief that a great need exists for our services.  We have stumbled across difficult questions and stumbled over communicating information. Those learning experiences and our professional networks lend us well to helping our clients.

Who Is Soil Advocates Inc.

Our primary goals include providing clients with the latest in soil sciences and applied technology. The significance and understanding of soil environments as dynamic buffers to increasing climate change and urban densification, drive Soil Advocates Inc. daily.
Soil Advocates Inc. will strive for 100% satisfaction in servicing your research, education or ecoservices needs.  Our unique ability to connect current trends in science to our clients makes it possible for us to deliver.  Questions and problems are a challenge to our team.  We look forward to doggedly working every angle until our clients are happy with the results.
Soil Advocates believes in problem based solutions driven by inquiring minds. Our company’s philosophy is built on the foundation of questions and the demand for bridging the gap between science and society.  Excellence in communication is the common denominator for our three core services.  Our enthusiasm for science, the environment and novel technology fuels us and ensures our clients are met with unique, creative solutions tailored to their unique needs.  Always looking for novel approaches, our philosophy prides itself in using our experience to our client’s advantage.

Our Crazy Skills

Curiosity 100%
Asking Questions 95%
Problem Solving 95%
Networking 88%
Teaching 90%

Dr. Leanne J Philip, BSc. (Hon.); MSc.; PhD.  is the Managing Director & Chief Scientist of Soil Advocates Inc. She studied at the University of Guelph as an undergraduate (Plant Biology, Environmental Management and Urban Horticulture) and as a graduate student (Plant & Soil Interactions).

She has a keen interest in soil sciences, which lead her to the University of British Columbia in Vancouver for doctoral studies in soil carbon sequestration and movement within British Columbia’s clear-cut soils. Further work in soil sciences in Europe and Canada reinforced Dr. Philip’s belief that soil processes and mechanisms belowground drive aboveground aesthetics and plant interactions.

While active in both research, mentorship and teaching, most recently Dr. Philip has been working in applied soil sciences in industry and community outreach.  Dr. Philip is a native of southern Ontario and is a strong advocate for scientific literacy within her community and responsible environmental stewardship.

Dr. Philip also has affiliations with: University of Guelph Alumni Association, University of British Columbia Alumni Association, Belowground Ecology Group, University of British Columbia, TerreWeb, University of British Columbia, CBA, Canadian Botanical Association, SES, Soil Ecology Society, ESA, Ecological Society of America, IMS, International Mycorrhizal Society, GRHC and Green Roofs for Healthy Cities.

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